Thursday, April 21, 2011

Game Day Beer Review: Brasserie de Brunehaut Abbey St Martin Belgian Brown Dubbel Ale

(8.00% ABV) Poured out of a bottle into a tulip glass, Abbey St. Martin Brown is the color of richly-steeped iced tea, with a thick, off-white head that leaves behind little to no lacing. The smell is malty, with overtones of chocolate and just the barest hint of sweetness -- maybe molasses?  Abbey St. Martin Brown's first taste is rich, roasted malts, followed closely by dark fruits, which are relatively restrained. The beer has a decent mouthfeel, and is refreshing for a dubbel, with moderate carbonation.  It's eminently drinkable, and the alcohol is extremely well hidden. If it's been around since 1096, it's got to be good. Run out and get yourself some today: A-.

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