Thursday, April 23, 2015

Ode on (a Melancholic) Liverpool

photo by Zest-pkvia PhotoRee

In which Scott waxes lyrically about the reds:

Historians may disagree, but I think Keats may have been a Liverpool fan. Still, despite his admonitions, I'm tempted to go to Lethe, hand in hand with the downy owl, sucking the ruby grape of Proserpine all the while. Such is the weeping cloud of melancholy that has fallen as quickly as Liverpool's Top 4 chances and FA Cup Dreams.

My very last post, granted some time ago, waxed on about the Rising Reds and all that was right in their footballing world. Yet Joy's hand was, indeed, at his lips bidding adieu to the Beauty that died by the feet of Manchester United and Arsenal in the league.

Then, in the very temple of FA Cup delight, Melancholy unveiled her sovereign shrine, and Aston Villa hid the green hill in an April shroud. There aren't enough globed peonies in all the world on which to glut the collective Liverpool sorrow.

So, with a half-dozen games left to play, while the English poet may have aptly described our sorrow, he also explains that Melancholy and Joy are inextricably intertwined, each needing the other. Joy's grape of previous success was burst on palate fine and we now taste the sadness of Melancholy's might. Until she's veiled again in Delight's temple...

Whether she be shrouded by a Top 4 finish or a successful 2015-2016 season remains to be seen.

This is farlieonfootie for April 23.